Andrew Macpherson

This book documents the work done around the two Oasis albums Standing on the Shoulder of Giants in New York and Los Angeles in 1999, and Heathen Chemistry in Paris in 2002.
The images include the album cover shot in New York that broke photographic boundaries by layering around 40 images taken over a 36 hour period, creating the first digital “Tapestry of Time”. Included are the other images from that album made for press and promotion in the studio and on the beach in Los Angeles, and also the February 2002 reportage shoot photographed over several days in Paris, including the shot that ended up as the album cover.
Available only as special print-to-order volume through the studio.

As a kid falling in love with photography, it was Ansel Adams's eye and technical mastery that defined the pinnacle of excellence. He trained to be a concert pianist and would often make parallels to music, describing the photographic negative as sheet music and printing as a conductor interpreting a score. That is what gave me the idea to play Adams.
My goal was to stand in alignment with him as both a photographer and an environmentalist while giving my own performance, to experience the American West as if through the eyes of the master I was so humbled by as a boy.
Limited edition book available through the studio.

Dance & Eye features the work of five different photographers in collaboration with the modernist master of Japanese dancer, Oguri.. Photographers Anderw Macpherson, Richard Nielsen, Atiba Jefferson, Ricardo Vidana, and Tali MarangesIt explore the collaboration between dance with photography in an authentic exploration of two mediums. Both are involved in a dance within a dance, a continuum of motion and emotion held in suspension.
Available through Arcane Space
This book is the artist's manifesto, an exploration into the nature of life, spirit, reality and the afterlife which has informed all his other work. It seeks to answer the question of what is spirit, where does it come from, and how do we return to it when we pass over.
With more Americans than ever turning away from the organized religions, we’re all searching for our place in the cosmos and a new understanding of spirituality. Andrew shares the encounters with Spirit that have changed his life forever, as well as the stories of others who have been affected by similar events. The book features exclusive interviews with spiritual leaders, psychics, mediums, and even a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, creating a fresh look at spirituality today.
Available through Amazon

This book covers a ten year period from late 2004 when Macpherson, P!nk and Jeri Heiden started wotking together. They collaborated on six albums and the associated materials in support of the tours & record releases..
This 10x13 hard cover book had a very limited print run of only 500 units in 2015 and very quickly sold out. Originally the edition was meant to be 1500 units, but no more were ever printed. It came in a unique slip case and the hard cover book has a signed tip-in sheet by P!nk and Macpherson.
The few copies that remain here at the studio are believed to be the only ones still available and can be purchased through this website.
This book is broken into a series of photo essays that describe Macpherson’s first twenty years working as a photographer.
The title comes from the number of frequent flyer miles Andrew clocked up on his journey through fashion and on to Hollywood. As he traveled the world capturing many of the media icons of the era, he was also on an artistic journey stroving to bring something fresh and inviting to each of his images.
A note of poignancy overshadows this book. Many of the original negatives were lost in a warehouse fire. It is a testament to the strength of Macpherson's work that even scanned from magazine pages, as some of these images are, the results still radiate vitality and power.
Available through Amazon